Most Common Commercial HVAC Repairs

If you operate a commercial business, you know how important it is to maintain a comfortable climate in your building.  Not only does the climate of your business affect the well-being and productivity of your employees, but it’s a key part of the impression you make on your customers.  When the need for commercial HVAC repairs arises, you’ll want to find an experienced HVAC company that performs same day repair.

At HVAC Philly, we’ve been servicing the Greater Philadelphia area for over 20 years.  Our technicians work quickly and efficiently to ensure that there is minimal disruption to the climate of your business. When it comes to commercial HVAC repairs, we’ve seen it all. We’re going to share the most common commercial HVAC repairs with you, so you can be informed if you ever need commercial HVAC service.  The majority of commercial service calls we get are due to the following problems and can be avoided with preventative maintenance.

Dirty Air Filters

This is your HVAC system’s worst enemy and is one of the most common problems we encounter.  If an air filter gets clogged enough, it can end the life of a young, healthy HVAC system.  Regular service to your HVAC system is crucial in avoiding preventable headaches like a clogged air filter.  Replacing the filter is extremely simple, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t do it.

Loose Blower Motor Belts

Another common issue and simple commercial HVAC repair we encounter is loose blower motor belts.  These belts, powered by an external motor, run the forced air blower that distributes air through the ducts and vents in your building.  Often, a loose blower motor belt can be identified by a squeaking sound.  These repairs aren’t usually expensive, but a loose belt will reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system and cause more serious issues if left un-repaired.

Dirty Condenser Coils

Condenser coils are an integral part of any air-conditioning system.  They remove heat from air by absorbing it in refrigerant.  Dirty coils come from a lack of maintenance and can cause an unnecessary increase in your cooling budget.  If you don’t properly clean a coil and it accumulates dirt, it will reduce the efficiency of your air-conditioning system.  An air-conditioner with a dirty coil has to work harder to cool your building and will have a shorter life span.

Burned Capacitors and Clogged Drain Lines

Start and run capacitors are responsible for kicking your HVAC system’s fan motor into life and keeping it running smoothly.  For various reasons, these capacitors can burn up and affect the operation of the fan motor.  If the start capacitor burns up, your HVAC system’s fan motor simply won’t start, and if the run capacitor burns up, your fan motor is at risk of overheating.  Capacitors should only be handled by trained professionals since there’s a serious risk of electrocution involved when dealing with them.

A drain line removes condensation produced by your system’s condenser coil.  These drain lines can become easily clogged if they aren’t cleaned regularly.  When a condensate drain line becomes clogged, mold can grow inside it leading to uncomfortable humidity and foul smells.

Freon Leaks

Freon is responsible for cooling the air in your building on a hot summer day.  It’s in a gaseous state at room temperature but turns into a liquid when it’s cooled.  Freon leaks can happen in multiple areas, but the leaks are most commonly found in holes in the evaporator coil.  If your air-conditioner loses enough freon, it won’t be able to cool the air in your building.  An experienced HVAC technician should be able to identify and fix a Freon leak with ease.

Note that you can avoid most of the above commercial HVAC repairs with regularly scheduled maintenance.  The investment in regular maintenance is minimal, yet many businesses neglect it until there’s a major problem.  At HVAC Philly, preventative maintenance of your commercial HVAC system is our specialty.  We’ll work to ensure that your operating costs are as low as possible and that you never have to deal with a major avoidable headache.

For expert commercial HVAC service and unparalleled professionalism, give HVAC Philly a call at 215-725-6111

Stay comfortable my friends.

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